I always knew that I wanted to work with and care for people; I studied psychology at university before working in the NHS for 10 years in physical rehabilitation. Having my daughter was a life-changing experience and I was surrounded by people who cared for me both during her birth and in the early days of motherhood. As a qualified NCT antenatal facilitator and breastfeeding counsellor, I’ve supported hundreds of expectant-parents as they prepare for birth and the postnatal period, and countless new-mothers with feeding challenges. Becoming a Postnatal Doula felt like the next natural step. The early days and weeks of your baby’s life, often called the 4th Trimester, is a huge transition not only for them, but also for you. Each family I work with is unique and so are their needs. By nurturing new parents with compassion and respect, my aim is to help you feel relaxed and confident in your new role. I provide emotional and practical support in the early weeks after birth, this can be anything from listening to your birth story, supporting you with feeding/newborn care, caring for your baby while you rest or helping around the house. Outside of work I enjoy gardening, baking, craft, and going for long walks with my family. I’d love to support you in your parenting journey - please explore my website or contact me to find out more or to discuss your individual requirements.