Hello I'm Imogen, a birth and postnatal doula and fine artist based in London. I share my life with my partner and four wonderful children and love all things nature-based, 60's crooners and good cake!
As a doula, I play a supporting role in birth and early parenthood, offering a non-judgmental space where you feel heard, respected, and empowered. I work in partnership with you, providing whole-family support that is both liberating and powerful. My role is to advocate for your choices without bias, helping you empower yourself with confidence and knowledge. I have a particular passion for reproductive rights and ensuring that support is available for marginalised communities, so every parent has access to the care and respect they deserve.
Contact: 07985436497, wildridedoula@gmail.com, www.cradleoflifecards.com
Studies I have completed:
Younique Postnatal: Doula Initial Preparation Course
Nurturing Birth: The Doula Course
Additional study days attended:
Newborn Parents: Parental Brain Summit
Birth Companions: Understanding women’s lived experience of children’s social care proceedings: Virtual learning event
The Nurture Revolution: Nurturing the Developing Infant Brain and Maternal Brain for Lifelong Mental Health
APPPAH: The Innate Wisdom of Birth: How womb ecology becomes world ecology