Rebecca Schiller is CEO of Birthrights, the human rights in childbirth charity, and a Doula UK doula, (sometimes known by her Twitter handle @TheHackneyDoula). Rebecca writes about parenting, pregnancy, birth, reproductive rights, feminism and more for a range of publications including the Guardian and The Pool. She lives on a muddy/dusty ramshackle smallholding with her husband, two children and a motley crew of chickens and ducks.
Rebecca and her publishers have kindly agreed to let us share two chapters from her groundbreaking new book, Your No Guilt Pregnancy Plan: A revolutionary guide to pregnancy, birth and the weeks that follow: Chapter 8: Timeline of Labour and Birth and Chapter 11: Where to Give Birth.
For your chance to win a copy of Your No Guilt Pregnancy Plan head on over to our Facebook page, like the post and leave a comment by 16th July.